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Happy #ValentinesDay! ❤️At #EuroBioImaging we love #Data - from data analysis to data management, metadata, ontologies & formats, data workflows, repositories & - of course - #FAIRdata.

👀 Check out our #dataservices here 🔽

Psssst! Just a reminder: Registration for the 15th Edition of the #OpticalMicroscopyImaging for #Biosciences Course closes on February 16!
Secure your spot now and dive into cutting-edge #FLIM techniques with us!
📍 ForMore info & registration

At the @EuroBioImaging #TechExchange free webinar, we’ll Introduce our new #FLIM acquisition and #phasors analysis software, now optimized for laptop use and ready to streamline the entire #FLIMphasors workflow

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